Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Lost In Transfiguration

On Sunday, I wanted to meet up with my classmate Erika. Fabulous idea. We made the plan, and she told me to send her a text message if I needed to contact her.

A: Um...I don't have a cell phone.
E: Just use someone else's.
A: Uh...

So, I called her host family's house the night before the planned meeting, but Erika was off traipsing around Delhi. I called the next morning, the morning of our planned date, and nobody answered the phone. Feeling mild panic setting in, I asked my host father to borrow his cell phone and sent her a text message, hoping for an immediate response. The message was sent, but none came in response, and thus we all went on about our business, I with the assumption that Erika was otherwise engaged for the day. After my host father had left for work, we got a call from him, saying that Erika had written back. (Uh oh) Thus, my host father, through the telephone to my host sister Payal, recounted the text messages, from their original English, in Hindi. Payal proceeded to relay the messages to me, in English.

P: Your friend sent you three text messages.
A: Oh no. What did they say?
P: The first one says "Don't worry, I'm leaving at 9:35. I'll see you there." The second one says, "I'll talk to you tomorrow. I just talked to my host mother, and I can't leave until five. I'll see you there." The third one says "I'm here, where is the monument."
A: What?
P: (repeats messages)
A: So, is she going to meet me there at 5, or will she talk to me tomorrow?
P: ...

Clearly, something was not right. By the time I got the third message, I realized that the situation had gotten out of control, and I had better high-tail it to the nearest international phone-calling booth and figure out WHAT was going on.

E: Hello?
A: Hi, it's Alex.
E: Oh, hey! Where are you?
A: I'm still in Lagpat. Is it OK if I hop in a rickshaw and meet you now?
E: No, don't, everything's closed here. I'll come and meet you at the CCD (Cafe Coffee Day) in Central Market.
A: OK. See you there.

Upon our eventual connection, the truth was revealed- we had experienced a...I don't know, something which, whatever it was, didn't work properly. Or maybe it did work properly, and its function, whatever it was, was to confuse the bajeezus out of us all. The real text messages read as follows.

Text 1: Don't worry, I'm coming! I've no idea how long it will take, but I'll leave the house at 9:35. See you there!

Text 2: Had to talk to my host mom, I'll leave at 5 to. I'll be there!

Text 3: Where are you? I am here where we saw the puppies at the monument.*


* We had in fact planned on meeting at the monument in Haus Kaus Village, where we had previously seen puppies. FYI.

1 comment:

  1. just checked out all your photos... so pretty! I might have to print some as room decorations!
