Wednesday, August 5, 2009

If I was that cool

So, yeah. I went to Marc 49 the other day. Oh, you don't know it? I go there all the time- the wine bar on Telegraph and 51st? Yeah. I was there, and reading Bourdieu, listening to the Mountain Goats. Yeah, and of course I had on my converse, skinny jeans, flannel shirt, black eyeliner. I had ridden my fixed-gear over from home, so my sock was rolled up over my right pant leg, but I just left it there. No, I didn't wear a helmet because it would mess up my bangs. So I was reading, and this guy came up to me and asked me if I was reading Pierre Bourdieu, the sociologist who wrote about Doxa, and I said yeah. So he sat down and we had an in-depth conversation about the illusions that we take to be common sense, the norm, that are imposed upon us, into which we are indoctrinated from birth. Yeah, it was deep. Then he asked me about what I had been listening to, and that got us started talking about indie rock groups, our favorite small venues, etc. Then, he told me (his name is Holden, by the way) about this show he was going to see tomorrow, a band his friend is in. He invited me to come along (we could ride our fixies), and I said sure. I gave him my number, and he said he'd call me tomorrow morning. What did you do today?


  1. I just found your blog (you commented on mine) and I love it.

    You are so witty. Awesome. I love people who make fun of hipsters. Although, the wine bar does sound cool. Where is it again? :)

    Anyway, I'll be showing up to comment again. Read that as you will: a promise or a threat.

  2. Um... I was wearing pretty much the exact outfit that you describe in this post today. Once I realized it, well after Jono pointed it out, I was very ashamed.
